Drum Beats


Drum Beats


Size 20×24
Picture ID 443


Artist and Painting

Hyppolite Hector
Was born in 1889. Deceased. It has been the discoveries of Hyppolite and Philome Obin that had opened Dewitt Peters’ eyes to the possibilities of a popular srt movement in Haiti; that in turn prompted the opening of the Centre d’Art. Hyppolite the mystic and Obin the descriptive, were poles apart and they had been painting for twenty-five years before the Centre d’Art opened. Hyppolite was a fulltime voodoo priest, as was his father. His works caused a sensation at the UNESCO exhibit in Paris in 1947. “His technique was never wholly adequate to translating his visions into effective plastic images, and as his life as a medium gave way to his life as an artist, he tended deliberately to forsake the central content of voodoo for the peripheral subject matter of folklore – zombies and black magic, which seemed to offer material for a freer exercise of his fantastic imagination.” [Rodman, Haiti Black Republic, pp. 96.] Picture: Size 20×24 – ID 443